One of the major barriers to success encountered by young people is a lack of effective technique for study and exam preparation. This crucial skill however, equips one with life success. 

The truth is that when you study right, take personal responsibility for learning, you learn to study smarter and not waste your effort. In studying and mapping out strategy to use, you do not need to compare yourself with others as individuals differ. While some are visual learners (must see before they understand), auditory learners (must hear before they understand) others are kinesthetic (must do or write before they understand). 

Hence, you know yourself and what is best for you. However, these general techniques will fit most people.

Also read: Tips On How To Develop Your Reading Habits


Set aside a certain hour each day for study. Ensure you keep to your schedule daily. You know yourself and how many hours you think will be sufficient for you to effectively study each subject. However, averagely, about two hours daily for each study portion or per-subject is recommended. Don’t forget to take a break as rest is as important as the study. This is especially so, before any test or examination.


Ensure you get a place that you will be less distracted and always try to maintain same place, same time each day. Have a mindset that quickly gets you into study mood and keep to it. This rapidly increases your concentration.


Equip your study area with the needed materials such as your pencils, pens, erasers, paper, calculating machines, etc. Keep away things and friends that might distract you.


Get used to self motivation so as you will be able to comprehend and learn as-well. You do not need anybody inspiring you to learn. Train yourself to always get your assignments done, prepare for tests and examinations by reviewing your work. Remember it is your life, your goal, your future and you wouldn’t want to waste it, would you?


Ensure you have a good note. When you are orderly, your examination grades will certainly improve. Have your notes up to date, write down important assignments and dates for tests. Have all your information together. Keep very well where you have written important points. Keep them where you can easily reach them. With a well kept note, you are on your way to success. In your note, have keywords and main points written or underline or perhaps with a bolded writing format and handy for revision.

Also read: Hazards Of Examination Malpractice


Use pictures, flash cards etc as a reminder. The use of flash cards acts as good reminders when studying. Jot down vital key points and go through as many times as possible. This will increase your memory. They will also increase your study skills. However start with the general concepts first, ensure you understand the main ideas and then later the key points too.


Get a partner who is perhaps serious and reads a lot too. For each topic; read and prepare for tests for yourselves, write out questions from the topics you have read, answer them, do your corrections, rewrite the test and ensure mastery as you move on. Ensure you understand what you are doing, do not just cram the topic.


They must be ones that you are familiar with and will remember. Like BODMAS in mathematics which tells you the first operations to carry out like: remove brackets of divisions, attend to multiplications, addition before attempting subtraction or you can create sentences. The watchword however is that you remember them. You might even use a song to remember the sequence of important points and what they are stressing. As you study your text-books, underline keywords main-points. Making and reviewing of your note is a time saver and not a waste of time.


Sometimes we feel we have read or learnt enough and so divert our energy to something else. However, you must not stop studying until examinations are written as you can never learn enough if possible. There is the theory of over-learning which simply means continue to learn. Try creating, writing, reading, touching, hearing and saying your key points until the examination day. Remember also to take a break, rest, take timeout, sing, play and eat if possible. For all work and no play makes John a dull boy.


Always review your material as often as possible to avoid forgetting the whole thing. When you do this often, chances is that you remember longer. It equally reduces anxiety as you remember as much as 80% to 85% of the material studied.

Finally, the truth remains that having done all the reading about the right study techniques, you then actually must sit down, bend down and do the required reading for good grades. By so doing, you will not give even the worst of the termites of chance.

Having read this particular article or content, we would want you to apply these tips and techniques in your readings henceforth and see the plethora growth of your reading and its success therein. Thanks.

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